A Day In The Life

6:30 am

8:35 am

3:00 PM

6:30 pm

Marker 1

Wake-Up (6:30am)
Action-packed, learning-filled day ahead.  For the moment, shake off the grog by making your bed and greeting the day by looking at your vision board and reciting your future picture statement.

Marker 1

Breakfast/Chores (6:55am)
Eggs, cereal, fruit, pancakes, and more. Taking time to write three things in your gratitude journal and help clean up breakfast.

Marker 1

Hygiene (7:40am)
Self-Care and physical health steps. Brush your teeth, floss, and shower.

6:30 am

Wake-Up (6:30am)
Action-packed, learning-filled day ahead. For the moment, shake off the grog by making your bed and greeting the day by looking at your vision board and reciting your future picture statement.

6:55 am

Breakfast/Chores (6:55am)
Eggs, cereal, fruit, pancakes, and more. Taking time to write three things in your gratitude journal and help clean up breakfast.

7:40 am

Hygiene (7:40am)
Self-Care and physical health steps. Brush your teeth, floss, and shower.

Marker 1

Therapy Groups (8:35 am)
Psychosocial Rehabilitative Skills (PRS) groups (2x Daily)
Clinical Groups (3x weekly) and Specialty groups (2x weekly or as needed).

Marker 1

Physical Education and Fitness for life (9:56am)
Get the blood flowing and heart pumping to prime the brain for learning. Alternate feature breathing exercises and yoga to elevate focus and clarity.

Marker 1

Period 2 & 4 (11:15 am)
Tackling your most challenging classes in manageable time increments to take advantage of a fully primed brain
Period 1 & 3 (1:45 pm)
Solidifying concepts learned with frequent breaks. Math, science, language or social studies. Keep up the good work!

Marker 1

Lunch (12:56)
Upon request Elevated is able to accommodate vegetarian diets or other dietary restrictions. Great the on coming mentors taking the evening shift.

8:35 am

Therapy Groups (8:35 am)
Psychosocial Rehabilitative Skills (PRS) groups (2x Daily)
Clinical Groups (3x weekly) and Specialty groups (2x weekly or as needed).

9:56 am

Physical Education and Fitness for life (9:56am)
Get the blood flowing and heart pumping to prime the brain for learning. Alternate feature breathing exercises and yoga to elevate focus and clarity.

11:15 am

Period 2 & 4 (11:15 am)
Tackling your most challenging classes in manageable time increments to take advantage of a fully primed brain

Period 1 & 3 (1:45 pm)

Solidifying concepts learned with frequent breaks. Math, science, language or social studies. Keep up the good work!


Lunch (12:56)
Upon request Elevated is able to accommodate vegetarian diets or other dietary restrictions. Great the on coming mentors taking the evening shift.

Marker 1

Period 5 (3:00 pm)
Movement will be integrated into this learning period where the focus is on core curriculum.

Homeroom (3:45 pm)
Elevated gives you 45-minutes to take advantage of talking with teachers about study and homework.
Includes brain-based exercises that clear your brain for the evening.

Marker 1

Free time (4:30 pm)
Time to let go and take advantage of privileges earned.  Be creative play an instrument, read outside or in the family room, listen to music, play sports.

Marker 1

Dinner (5:30 pm)
Our nutritionist puts together menus on a five-week rotation. Upon request Elevated will accommodate dietary restrictions.

3:00 pm

Period 5 (3:00 pm)
Movement will be integrated into this learning period where the focus is on core curriculum.

Homeroom (3:45 pm)
Elevated gives you 45-minutes to take advantage of talking with teachers about study and homework. Includes brain-based exercises that clear your brain for the evening.

4:30 pm

Free time (4:30 pm)
Time to let go and take advantage of privileges earned. Be creative play an instrument, read outside or in the family room, listen to music, play sports.

5:30 pm

Dinner (5:30 pm)
Our nutritionist puts together menus on a five-week rotation. Upon request Elevated will accommodate dietary restrictions.

Marker 1

Evening activities (from 6:30 pm on)
A bunch of stuff going on with different activity settings to be mentored in. Recreation Center time, cultural events, service projects, bowling, and other off campus activities.

Marker 1

Reflection (8:30-9:30 pm)
Review the days highlights and low lights. How did your day stake up to your future picture statement of health? Includes journaling, music, mediation and more.

Marker 1

Lights out (10:00 pm)
Time to recharge the batteries. Put the past behind you and get ready for the exhilaration of tomorrow’s opportunities to raise.

6:30 pm

Evening activities (from 6:30 pm on)
A bunch of stuff going on with different activity settings to be mentored in. Recreation Center time, cultural events, service projects, bowling, and other off campus activities.

8:30-9:30 pm

Reflection (8:30-9:30 pm)
Review the days highlights and low lights. How did your day stake up to your future picture statement of health? Includes journaling, music, mediation and more.

10:00 pm

Lights out (10:00 pm)
Time to recharge the batteries. Put the past behind you and get ready for the exhilaration of tomorrow’s opportunities to raise.